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Firebase Dashboard 지난 30분간 사용자 숫자 iOS만 적게 나오는 문제

Firebase Dashboard 지난 30분간 사용자 숫자 iOS만 적게 나오는 문제



Firebase의 Dashboard에 "Users in last 30 minutesers in last 30 minutes"라는 항목에서 iOS의 숫자가 Android에 비해 매우 적게 보여지고 있음


Firebase에 해당 내용 문의

Firebase 이메일 답변 내용

This is Andy from Firebase Support, and I'd be happy to help you out here.

It looks like you are seeing a lower number of users in the “Users in last 30 minutes” compared to the “Active Users” report. Currently, what you are seeing is an expected behavior. 

Data reported in “Users in last 30 minutes” came from StreamView. StreamView is a live view of analytics data as they are collected by Analytics servers in the last 30 minutes. These users might have logged an analytics data yesterday, but we’ve just collected it in the last 30 minutes. 

On the other hand, the Active User report shows you the users that engages in your app on a daily, weekly, and monthly manner.

In your case, for the last 30 minutes, we’ve collected analytics data for 16,242 iOS users and 126,682 Android users. 

If you wish to see the real "active users" of your app, I will recommend checking only the Active User report. Analytics data that are no longer visible in the StreamView should be available in the console soon. It's just that the console doesn't update the data in real time. You may refer to this blog post for more information about the time it will take for the analytics data to be displayed in the Firebase console.

Firebase에서 이야기했던 "How Long Does it Take for My Firebase Analytics Data to Show Up?"의 내용 요약

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